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Multi Round Robin Tournament Management

SDTTA - San Diego Table Tennis Association

Club Information and Configuration
Club/association acronymSDTTA
ActivityTable Tennis
AddressBalboa Park
CitySan Diego
ZIP (Postal Code).
Rating SystemOld USTTA
Minimum rating value1
The following 4 parameters allow the club to give extra rating points to players who easily win all the matches in their group. In this way misrated players can move up faster.
Extra rating points given to the players who win all the matches in their group0
Extra rating points given for each upset victory to the players who have also won all the matches in their group0
Rating points subtracted from the previous values for each lost game0
Extra points to players in the first groupNo
Penalty points subtracted from rating for not entering a result or not playing a match0

Please login or register if you are not registered to this club and you'd like to participate, either as a guest or a member, to this club tournaments.

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