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Multi Round Robin Tournament Management

SDTTA - San Diego Table Tennis Association

Members Rating

Rank Name Rating Doubles
1st Douglas Hobson 2137
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
2nd Ketthong Pisa 2095
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
3rd Kiet Tran 2051
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
4th Derrick Cone 2031
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
5th Kennedy Pisa 2023
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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6th Arun Kumar 2016
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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7th Remzi Kaval 2006
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
8th Kennedy Pisa 2003
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
9th Chip Yang 1984
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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10th Patty Martinez-Wasserman 1953
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11th gary NISHIKIDA 1940
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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12th Satish Krishnamoorthy 1920
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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13th Jerry Harris 1919
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
14th William Chang 1909
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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15th CHUAN DING 1908
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16th Jack Khoel 1850
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17th Kevin Li 1840
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18th Arkadi Shafran 1827
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18th GermanSr Camarillo 1827
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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20th Tharindu Abey 1819
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
21st Tat Wai 1801
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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22nd Gary Ruderman 1756
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23rd behnam kazemi 1713
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24th Minh Mai 1709
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25th David Davong 1703
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26th Jaxon Farris 1691
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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26th Lina Yako 1691
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28th Phillip Davila 1661
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29th Ashwath Hegde 1623
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30th Rever Oraha 1621
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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31st Rudy Chen 1601
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32nd Sunil Bulla 1596
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33rd Jesus Sanchez 1591
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34th Justin Ma 1586
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35th Salam Semaan 1568
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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36th james kahn 1561
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37th Joseph Umel 1560
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38th Ruben Guilloty 1531
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39th Luis Acosta 1527
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40th Aviv Dechner 1517
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
41st Jose Rendon 1516
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42nd santhosh sriraman 1514
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43rd Ying Feng 1513
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44th Carlos Marquez 1504
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45th Babak Ravaji 1503
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46th Cesar Ruiz-Verdugo 1478
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47th Yuzhe Lin 1465
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
48th Mohammad Rasool 1464
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49th Jimmy Li 1458
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50th chetan nauduri 1457
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51st Russell Kranz 1444
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52nd Pejman Adhami 1417
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53rd Kamran Azimzadeh 1413
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54th Mark Taylor 1411
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55th Larry Chui 1404
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55th Jason Yang 1404
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
57th Danny Williams 1398
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58th Daniel Naamo 1389
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
59th Jerry Colter 1381
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
60th Thu Tran 1378
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
61st Varad Deouskar 1362
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
62nd Nell Ernest Balaoing 1352
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
63rd yael sanchez 1350
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64th Van Dao 1343
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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65th Suprith Krishnakumar 1323
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66th Vag Dambal 1305
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
67th Gregory Swanson 1300
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
68th German Camarillo 1284
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
69th Ayan Garvida 1265
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
70th Maurizio Bassi 1241
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
71st Mark Peeling 1240
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
72nd Ryan Acton 1230
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
73rd Derrick Brown 1224
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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74th Sergey Suslov 1220
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75th Michele Grisafi 1217
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76th Cooper Delemus 1215
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77th Marisela Hernandez 1204
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78th Darin Webb 1195
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79th Daniel Paez 1159
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80th Marcos Campos 1157
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81st Ali Rahmati 1109
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
82nd Chang Wang 1088
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83rd Gil Peretz 1074
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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84th Michael Petrillo 1049
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85th Yaohui Li 1047
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
86th Mike Fassel 1042
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87th Joe Siemienowski 1034
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88th Sukruth Krishnakumar 1032
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
89th Ahmad Hosseini 1026
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
90th Tony DuBois 1016
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
91st Jared Shultz 1013
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
92nd John Williams 1011
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
93rd Dennis Seisun 1008
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94th Michael Kaplan 999
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95th Moritz Schepp 980
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96th David Brattland 971
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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97th Yong Tan 963
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
97th Gael Camarillo 963
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
99th Jorge Calderon 957
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100th Shashank Darisi 953
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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101st Eshan Uniyal 945
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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102nd Ahmed Ghazi 942
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103rd Reza Beheshti Zavareh 922
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104th DAVID DE ALVA 920
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105th Raman Paulau 916
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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106th Tony Loh 900
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
107th clement wong 896
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108th Davy Ngo 883
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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109th Raymond Santos 877
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110th Morteza Beheshti 856
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111th Moein Parsinia 853
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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112th Eyob Demeke 849
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113th Tomas Cometto 823
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114th Dario Antonic 822
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
115th Barry Scher 789
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
116th Brock Shannon 785
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No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
117th Josh Sabourin 771
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
118th Dante Granero 770
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119th Bob Lanoue 764
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120th Branden Sarkissian 753
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
122nd Randy Ashdown 712
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
123rd Samuel Ibarra 707
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
124th Noah Clark 705
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
125th Rle Nichols 703
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
126th Daniel Lopez 695
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
127th Andy Zhang 676
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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128th Militza Ibarra 664
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
129th Tom Wang 662
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
130th Mark McWhinney 645
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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131st JT Cruz 643
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132nd Leo Kouremetis 637
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
133rd Anders Arnsten 624
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
134th Jayden Philip 622
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
135th David Spinler 615
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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136th Paul Eisenkramer 598
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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137th Danny Steinhorst 594
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138th Howie Rosen 593
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139th Arlan Arnsten 518
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140th julian samaan 507
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
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140th Michelle Peterson 507
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
142nd Bobby Minouei 502
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
143rd Raquel Esteban 447
No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
144th Roger Olson 410
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No tournaments played at this club since a year ago.
No double tournaments played at this club since a year ago.

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